Wednesday, January 2, 2008

No Sleep til Brooklyn

Before I get started a few shout outs of thanks.

In no particular order, much props and thanks to:
  • Hester and Abby, for respectively talking me off the ledge last night. It meant more than you know.
  • Carolyn, for driving in from Oxford bearing delicious food. Seriously, I need the recipe for the casserole.
  • Kimberly, for the In Style and beer. By the way, Katie Holmes, who graces the cover, is not the sharpest pencil in the box.
  • Stefanie, for coming over with even more provisions and a second boppy.
  • Claire and SER, for being our heroes.
  • Gianni, for the conversation and the enjoyment of his new blog, Food Boom. You have found your milieu, my friend.
  • Gab, for the endless emails and good cheer.
  • Hannah and Craig, for the sweet Brooklyn hoodie. You know how much I love the hoodie and now Orly has two. The first, which is equally as sweet, was from the lovely Jamie and was representin' the 191 (aka Philly).
  • All my peeps for the calls and emails.
  • And, Orly and M, for keeping me company.
As I write this Orly is asleep in her car seat. With the exception of five minutes here or there she has not been much for the being "put down." This means sleep has come in very short shifts and supply. It is a very strange sensation, the sleep deprivation. I feel completely punch drunk. And so, I am savoring this moment of quiet and free hands and hoping it will last a little while.

Otherwise, Orly is doing great and meeting all her marks (i.e. eating, peeing and pooping). Each day we seem to learn some thing new and hopefully understand her a little better. She is incredibly sweet and curious even for six days here on the outside.

I will post more pictures very soon.

PS On an unrelated note, Happy Birthday SER!


gianni said...

Happy Birthday, S-E! And Happy wakey days, Olry!

The sleep monkeys visited us only sporadically, as I recall, for the first two weeks. But like most forms of trauma, it's really hard to remember what happened after the fact. That's why the blog is such a great idea. So when you want borrow 5,000 dollars from Orly, now a grown-up and way-famous author, and you need to prove to her how long-suffering you've been, and how raising her has worn your proverbial fingers to the bone, you can make her read the blog archive! "We love you, dear, and you bring us immeasurably joy. But we've EARNED those 5,000 bucks!"

Love to all!

gianni said...

That should, of course, read: Happy wakey days, ORLY.

I can't type.