Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Clear Nose, Full Diaper, Can't Lose!

Yesterday was a gift. A few inches of snow and lots of freezing rain meant I got to stay home with M and O. We hung out all day in our pajamas and took care of mundane chores that we had failed to complete the previous weekend. It was fantastic. I have always loved the snow day--the unexpected and guilt-free day off. But, yesterday, I felt the gift of time like never before.

O had experienced a rough 24 hours prior to our holiday and we spent the morning trying to rid her of a stuffy nose by applying the doctor recommended saline drops and squeezing out what was buried deep within her nasal passages. (M and I were both skeptical at first—it seemed like baby waterboarding but she was so stuffy that we went for it.) And, O hated it at first too, but then she soon realized that it actually helped and became completely compliant. She had this look on her face like "hey, this actually works. Go figure!" So cute!

PS: In my Friday Night Lights/Orly cross-promotion attempt, I found this online. I am ordering one for Orly today.

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