Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's all takin' and no givin'

Yesterday marked the beginning of a new chapter . . .my return to full time employment post baby. Maybe it was the cold I am fighting off, the lack of sleep, the fact that my cell phone mysteriously quit working after only two months and I had to find time during the day to haul my ass out to the cell phone store (god forbid Verizon has a location DOWNTOWN) or that things at the office are in their usual "dramatic/Chicken Little state," that made me less than pumped and awesome to drive down the hill and into my office. Maybe it was also that I missed my kid. (I did show some self control and only checked her Picassa album twice during the day.)

It isn't that I want to stay at home with her full time (God knows), it is just that I didn't want things to change so drastically with the shrill whelp of the alarm clock. It is just that would have prefered to "work up to it" a bit more that I was able to do.

Anyway, I will survive and today has been a bit better. Maybe it was the fact that O slept like a champ last night which meant her mother and I got a few extra winks. It is, really, at this point, all I can ask for.

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