Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have been trying to post for days but like a shower and a hot meal time to write has alluded me. So much has happened with Orly plus there is the not whole Britney/Dr. Phil showdown, presidential politics, yada yada yada.

First, the babe . . . Orly is doing well. She is sleeping in her bassinet at night waking to feed and get a fresh diaper. This happened once we got her in a cozy little sleep sack and gave her a pacifier. I know, we caved on Day 7 but it had to be done. She is very curious and alert and loves to suck her fingers/hands. She is currently asleep in her "Rainforest" bouncy seat (she's hip, ya know) or as I call it, her kiddie crack chair. Hence, my ability to write this quick post. M and I are hanging in, though we would kill for four straight hours of sleep. The whole breast feeding thing has been stressful but things seem to be on a up swing.

The only downer in my life at the moment is the WGA strike. It is really putting a cramp in my baby TV watching. Don't get me wrong, I support the writers. The producers are greedy bastards and need to cough up a deal. It's just not only are there no new episodes of any of my shows but the guests on Ellen really really suck. So, I am watching a lot of What No to Wear, Oprah and of course, am doing my lesbionic duty and watching the new season of The L Word. I have also been forced to watch Cashmere Mafia, so you know I am desperate. Oh, and the awards shows which I love, love, love are all getting canceled. Stop the madness.

Oh, no. The crack is wearing off. More later. Gotta Go.


gianni said...

Ah, the baby crack chair. I remember it well.

Incidentally, what I simply cannot believe is that someone hasn't put together a mock- awards show, or some other form of alternative awards show. I mean, what is cable television FOR, anyway? Or why not import one of those furrin awards shows from Yerp, like BAFTA or the German Bear awards, and just dub it over?

Project Runway was excellent last night, in case you haven't seen it already. Watching the designers fight 17-year olds about prom dresses was quite literally riveting: I kept announcing, like Carl J., that I was going to go to bed, and couldn't leave the room.

Missing you terribly-- lots of love to Orly and y'all

gianni said...

PS: Our word for these early weeks is "in the trenches." We're pulling for you, C-Spice. Call anytime.