Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Babies Having Babies

Today has been a very good day. I got to work to find five emails from friends re the whole Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy. As I responded to my friend Amanda, "so, clearly I am not going to get any work done." I have been checking in with my sources all day--namely, and and this is some good shit. Jamie Lynn selling her story to OK; K Fed learning about the baby before Britney; Lynne Spears putting her parenting book on hold; the fact that the "live in" baby daddy, Casey, is 19 and JL is 16. Nice. The news has been fast and furious and I have been lovin it! Oh, and apparently Lily Allen is also pregnant (and still smoking) by one of them Chemical Brothers. Good for her. At least he has a job.

PS: In case you were worried about how to explain Jamie Lynn's pregnancy to your tweens, I give you this from those people keeping them honest at CNN:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In times of national celebrity crisis, I always think "what is Caitlin's take?" Thank you for helping to bring understanding in these troubled times. Do you ever read A good resource for me lately...