Monday, December 24, 2007

"Caitlin, we're not going camping!"

M and I are in full-on nesting mode. In the last few days we have washed and folded tons of baby clothes, set up various baby apparati and finished organizing her room, cleaned and organized closets and made food to freeze. I have also updated my email contacts, set up a new address book, cleaned out the garage and done tons of other random crap that I have been meaning to do for months. Claire and I even went to Costco yesterday where I bought a shit ton of wipes, oatmeal and Cheerios. That is about all I could handle buying--well, that stuff, plus batteries and razors. I am exhausted but keep thinking there is more to do--more food to make, more crap to organize, more things to set up. M finally reminded me that it is not like we can't go to the store or run errands after the baby is born. "It is not as if we are going camping in the middle of nowhere," she chided.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Caitlin, I totally understand--perhaps it's a result of reading too many shipwreck/suvivor/cannibal tales, but I brought two (2) cases of Luna bars to the hospital, plus two (2) packs each of apple juice and gatorade. You know, in case the hospital ran out of fluids. Thinking of you both all the time...