Monday, December 10, 2007

Version 1.0

Martha had her "version" procedure this morning. It was totally undramatic and unsuccessful. Mr. B is staying put and thus, M will be having a c-section at the end of the month. Date tba.


SuSu said...

Guess Mr. Baby just wants to be different and do things on her own terms and she's not budging for anything called a "version," thank you very much. What with all the kicking, I see a definite personality emerging here. As my older friend Barry said to me when Caitlin was about 3, "Guess you got what you deserved!"--By which he meant, I was a VERY big talker as a small child and so was Caitlin. (Anyone out there surprised?)

Unknown said...

Maybe Mr. Baby overheard my labor story too many times? Smart girl! I'm glad you have such excellent doctors and can't wait to meet your daughter...I think you should try to schedule the csection for Jan. 1 at 12:00am so you can be the First Baby of the Year and get all the local merchant prizes. xoxox

gianni said...

Strangely, perhaps, this is actually very good news: yes, the recovery is longer in some ways for M., but everything is medicalized and absolute. Which means that Mr. Baby herself can be the true object of all the wonder and mystery, and not "nature." Nature. Humph.

Besides, the ability to schedule Mr. Baby's arrival (Kwaanza baby, anyone?) will really come in handy when she's a teenager: "Remember, Mr. B," you can say when she asks to borrow the car, "we KNOW you will be home by 11. You've NEVER been late. You ALWAYS arrive EXACTLY WHEN WE SAY SO."