Saturday, December 8, 2007

For every season

Mr. Baby is still head up and at our doctor's appointment on Friday we decided to try a "version" in order to see if we can get her to turn upside down. So on Monday Dr. K (who is awesome and married to our fertility doc, the equally awesome Dr. T) will lay her hands on M's belly, apply some pressure and try and physically move our little lady into position. The chances of it working are at best 50% but we and the doctor thought it was worth a try. If she doesn't turn then we are headed down the c-section road and anticipate bringing Mr. B into the world a few days after Christmas. To learn more about the "procedure" take a look at

In other news we went on our hospital tour today which was pretty standard and again, a long discussion on security. I might have gotten a little too pumped when they announced there was wi-fi in all the birthing rooms.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The wifi in the l&d room came in *very* handy for us--it allowed Gianni to do his faculty activity report and write the birth story in installments while Lady A was taking her slow saunter through the birth canal. Definitely bring your laptop! You can podcast!